Dauphin Hospital Foundation looks back at 2024
As the calendar flipped to 2025, the Dauphin Hospital Foundation looked back at key accomplishments and highlights during the past year. Board Chairperson Greg Thompson says the Foundation can’t say thank you enough for all the heartfelt contributions and donations received in 2024. Thompson says those contributions were put to good use including the purchase of:
- two heated recliners for the renovated cancer care unit;
- an Emergency Room neo-puff machine;
- two blood pressure machines
- two geriatric chairs, and;
- and Operating Room lift.
During 2024, nearly $17,000 in staff support was provided through the Delha Cort Education Fund. The fund, established through an estate donation, provides support to staff that are updating their skills to provide services at Dauphin Regional Health Centre (DRHC).
“Support went to staff that were upgrading nursing skills, including bachelor of nursing, registered nursing, psychiatric nursing, as well as certifying to become a respiratory educator. We assisted staff with a training program used in the maternity unit. We’ve developed a fillable form on the Foundation website for staff to consider submitting requests for education support. DRHC staff should contact their supervisor to see how the fund can fit with their future
professional development or career plans.”
Public Relations Coordinator Blaine Kraushaar says 2024 also featured several other highlights.
“The Foundation participated in the opening of the colourful Smile Zones within the hospital, contributed $2,500 to student scholarships at the high school and a gift basket for the first baby born at the hospital in the new year. “We are also looking ahead to early 2026. That’s when the DRHC will celebrate its ‘125 year’ anniversary.
Thompson says 2025 is already shaping up to be a very busy year.
“We’ve committed to funding equipment purchases to assist maternity and obstetrics, the cancer care unit and surgery. In collaboration with the Dauphin Medical Group, we’re also supporting the construction of a secure bike compound so hospital staff can safely store their bikes.”
In 2025, the Board will also look to increase its membership representation to 12 from 10 members. If you are interested in serving a term on the Board of Directors, contact the Foundation at
For additional information, questions or comments contact
The Dauphin Regional Health Centre benefited with new equipment and staff educational support thanks to generous contributions to the Dauphin Hospital Foundation in 2024.